Friday, March 28, 2008

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

Excerpt from The Sense Of No Sense by Jennifer at Breed 'Em And Weep:

Pacing and Hand-Wringing, and Clinging to the Washer, an appliance I find I count on for moral support when times get rough. I clung to it in my birthday suit when I was in labor with Hattie, and it didn’t let me down—not then, nor this time. It is always cool and smooth on my cheek (any cheek I wish to press against it) and it never judges. Plus it makes wonderful sloshing sounds louder than my sloshy waterpark howling.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

naipaul in uganda

What about the critics? Do they bother (V.S. Naipaul)? “I am glad that people have given criticism to my works. It would be awful if the response I got was silence. I do not mind criticism because I seldom read it.”

Excerpt from 'Writer of Miguel Street Shares His Literary Skills'

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Addiction (aka A Love Story)

Excerpt from "The Prologue" by Tamara at Awkwardly Social:

It wasn’t romantic or sexy. It was a sad cliché slapped on top of a boring teenage sob story. And there I was, in the McDonald’s bathroom, snorting crystal meth off the back of the toilet.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

More Lurking Stories

Excerpt from an entry dated 2008-03-19 by Mimi at Mimi Smartypants:

I have already confessed to my fascination with messageboards populated by people who are very much unlike me. I love to soak up the insanity at and the taxidermy forums, and now I am all about the Urbanbaby "community." It's fantastic. It is like watching a time-lapse photography slide show of decomposing meat.

Sex Toys And Babies

Excerpt from "Like Tupperware, But With Hot Pink Handcuffs" by Kate at Sweet | Salty:

We all stare blankly at this twenty-two year old with the dumbbell piercing through her tongue that makes her say "PENISHH" and "G-SHHPOT", mystified like we're at the zoo in front of some rare specimen of female except I can't figure out who's in the cage: us or her.

You're One Mean Slut

Excerpt from "What's eating you, Mother Nature? Is it us?" by Scott Feschuk at

I always pictured you as a nice lady, sauntering through idyllic forests, bluebirds chirping merrily as they fluttered around your head. Maybe you'd stop now and then to enjoy a leisurely cup of tea with other famed anthropomorphized figures such as Jack Frost or Andy Rooney. And then you'd be on your way to cuddle a cute bunny rabbit or make the sun shine out of Barack Obama's ass.

But it turns out you're one mean slut.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Excerpt from "Ridiculous Demented Right-Wing Wackaloon Theocratic Douchemonkeys Fuck Up Big Time" by PhysioProf at PhysioProf:

the name of the movie, Expelled, is supposed to be a reference to how these totally fucking awesome Jeebus-freak “scholars” have been “expelled” from the regular scientific community by nasty “evolutionists”, despite their brilliant insights into some goofy wacked-out Jeebus-freak crapola, and that it is TOTALLY UNFAIR that they have been expelled because their loonie-tune nonsense does not suit “evolutionist” dogma and is unpopular.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Get Your Creative Mind Going

Excerpt from "30 Tips To Rejuvinate Your Creativity" by Joel Falconer at

26. Treat creativity like an enemy in a strategy game; if one thing isn’t working, don’t keep trying until you give up. Try a new strategy. Run through the whole list, not just the first tip.

Bright Boy

Excerpt from "Heart Stopping" by Tracy Zollinger at Tiny Mantras:

Meanwhile, he would rather not wear any clothes around the house at all, thank you very much. Except for his frog boots, which go quite well with naked.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

And All For Racquetballs

Excerpt from "Worst Case Scenario" by Angela at The Ashtray:

I should stop here and note that I've been fired exactly twice. Once for being the poster child for nepotism (or completely and openly insulting an elected official of the city where I worked, either way you look at it), and once from Wal-Mart, where I worked for five weeks when I was 17. I got shitcanned for saying over the storewide intercom (in my gorgeous, sultry, 1-900 voice) "I have a customer by the balls in toys who needs assistance," and then repeating for clarity, "I have a customer by the balls in toys who needs assistance. Thank you." Before I'd hung up the little intercom phone, the manager had already turned out my register light.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Shake Your Booty

Excerpt from "Everybody Dance Now" by Jen Lemen at

...what would happen if someone rang a bell everyday at three and you had to stop whatever you were doing and shake what your mama gave you for three whole minutes? What kind of shift would happen in the Universe? If everyday we had a chance to dance?